Frequently asked questions
How can I cancel my order?
An order can be canceled only if it has not been shipped yet. You will have to send us an email on with reasons for the cancellation or call us on 18002120016 (Mon - Sat: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.), and we will help you in canceling the order. Once you request the cancellation of item(s) in your order, it will take us a maximum of 1-2 business days to cancel the order. You will be notified of the same by email.
How long does the return process take?
To uphold the highest standards of hygiene, we do not accept returns of any cosmetic products. However, in certain cases where a defective/damaged product is delivered or in case a wrong product is delivered, we accept returns provided that the return is filed within 7 days of order delivery. It typically takes 2-4 business days to pick the delivered order and once we receive the product, your refund will be initiated.
How can I track my return status?
Once we receive your returned item, we will notify you about the same via SMS and email.
When and how can I get a refund?
You can get a refund under the following circumstances:
- You cancel the order before it is shipped.
- In case the product is already shipped, we will initiate the refund once the product has been delivered back to us in original condition.
Can I return part of my order?
Step 1: Contact our Customer Support Team via email ( within 7 business days of receiving the order. You can also visit your order page to initiate returns.
Step 2: Provide us with your order ID and your request to return/replace/refund your order. Kindly email an image & video of the product and the invoice for our reference.
Step 3: We will pick the products within 2-4 business days. We will initiate the refund or replacement process only if the products are received by us in their original packaging with their seals, labels, and barcodes intact.Answer Description
How will I get refunded for the returned orders and how long will this process take place?
For prepaid orders, the return will be refunded to the source account. In case of cash-on-delivery orders, we will transfer the amount into the account mentioned in your billing details or we will perform a UPI transfer. This process will be completed within 24-48 business hours of us receiving the products back and your bank details on email.
How can I change address or phone number in Order?
You can reach out to our team at or call us on 18002120016. Our team will be happy to assist if the order has not been shipped. However, if the order is already shipped, then no changes can be made in delivery address and phone number.
How do I check the current status of my order?
You can log in to your White Wolf account and track your order in the 'My Orders' section. We will also send you an email with the tracking details once the order is shipped.
Why is my order not showing?
You can log in to your White Wolf account and track your order in the 'My Orders' section. If your order is not showing in the “My Orders” section after successful payment, don’t worry and reach out to our team at or call us on 18002120016.
What do I do in cases of failed delivery?
In case of failed delivery, you can reach out to us at or call us on 18002120016.
Do I have an option to replace a product?
Yes, you do have the option to replace a product in case a wrong product was delivered to you. You can follow the following steps to initiate the same:
Step 1: Contact our Customer Support Team via email ( within 7 business days of receiving the order. You can also visit your order page to initiate returns.
Step 2: Provide us with your order ID and your request to return/replace/refund your order. Kindly email an image & video of the product and the invoice for our reference.
Step 3: We will pick the products within 2-4 business days. We will initiate the refund or replacement process only if the products are received by us in their original packaging with their seals, labels, and barcodes intact.
How do I pay for a purchase?
You can pay online via UPI, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Net Banking, and Wallets. Alternatively, you can avail the cash-on-delivery option.
How will my personal information be used?
Please refer to the “Terms of Service” to understand the same.