Protect Cells from Ageing with Antioxidants - White Wolf India

Protect Cells from Ageing with Antioxidants

If you are a Millenial searching for a skincare essential that helps with skin ageing, then look no further. Your solution to all anti-ageing worries is here with Antioxidants. This blog will delve into what Antioxidants are and their potent benefits for the skin.

Understanding Antioxidants 

Being a skincare enthusiast, you must have heard about Antioxidants but do you know what they are? Antioxidants are molecules naturally present in the human body that destroy free radicals resulting in anti-ageing benefits. Wondering what Free Radicals are? Well! They are highly reactive atoms with unpaired electrons. 

They are generated in the body as a result of metabolic processes but can also result from pollution, stress and UV rays. They react with Proteins and DNA of surrounding cells to become stable, thereby speeding up the cell ageing process.

How Antioxidants Prevent Free Radical Damage?

Antioxidants, naturally present in the body or taken in through a healthy diet, neutralise free radicals. They lend an electron to free radicals to stabilise them, so that they don’t harm the surrounding cells.

In case of an imbalance in the amount of Antioxidants and Free Radicals, Oxidative Stress occurs and there is a need to supplement Antioxidants. This can be done through a balanced diet or a good Skincare Routine. Skin Care Ingredients like Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Niacinamide, and Green Tea, etc. are rich in Antioxidants. 

Pro-Tip: Always Use a Sunscreen

In addition to supplementing Antioxidants, using a Sunscreen in the Skin Care Routine is essential as it protects the skin from the Free Radical damage caused by UV Rays.


Antioxidants are a potent Skincare ingredient that helps the body fight against cell damage caused by Free Radicals. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants or using skincare products with Antioxidants is the best way to combat skin ageing.

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