Beard Serum for Men

How to Make Your Beard Summer Ready?

Cocktails, evenings and trips to the mountains. These are just some of the reasons to love summer. However, all those road trips and barbecue parties can leave your beard dry and frizzy, making it brittle and susceptible to damage. But don’t worry!

We have come to the rescue with 5 tips to maintain a beard this summer season so that you don’t end up looking like a hot, sweaty mess. So, without further ado, let’s go!

1. Wash Your Beard Daily

Let’s be honest. There is a thin line between being a macho man and a caveman.

Your summer outdoor activities can leave your beard full of dust, dirt and debris. Therefore, it’s important to wash your beard on a daily basis. However, never use a hair shampoo to wash your beard as beard hair is way different from scalp hair. A hair shampoo can make your beard hair brittle and more susceptible to damage. Not to forget the toll it will take on the skin underneath. 

It is better to use a gentle beard shampoo or a pollution free face wash that cleans and soothes both your beard as well as the skin. Make sure that you wash your beard regularly to get rid of the dust as well as the flakes. Washing it regularly will not only keep your beard clean but it will also keep your skin hydrated.

2. Oil It on a Weekly Basis

Summer can be a little harsh on your beard. The long sun exposure can make the hair dry, brittle and frizzy. To add to that, the sweating can lead to flakes, ultimately leading to beardruff. Thus, it is very important to keep your beard well-conditioned to mitigate the damage caused.

It is imperative that you use a beard conditioner to make the beard hair softer, shinier and well-tamed. Furthermore, in order to nourish the hair from beneath the skin, it is advised to oil it on a weekly basis. Go for a beard oil that is mild and contains hair nourishing actives. 

Besides conditioning your beard, oiling can also result in a pleasant fragrance around your mane. This will make your beach outings and barbecue parties more refreshing.

3. Keep It Moisturized

Just like any other organ of your body, your hair needs hydration. The good thing about summer is that you will spend a lot of time in the pool, thus providing ample moisture for your hair to quench their thirst.

If you are not in the pool, then it’s a good idea to splash water on your beard every now and then. This will help you in two ways. Firstly, it will keep the frizz in check. Secondly, it will also soften the beard.

Besides sprinkling your beard with water, it is also important to use a good moisturizer and beard serum for men to supplement your beard with essential nutrients.

4. Use Sun Protection

It’s true that a beard protects your skin from around 50-90% of the UV radiations. However, long sun exposures can make your beard dry and brittle. Thus, it is advisable to use a good sunscreen with at least SPF 30 in order to shield your skin from sun damage.

A sun protection will help you in a number of ways. For instance, it will prevent the beard from graying due to excessive sun exposure. Furthermore, it will save you from getting a tan line due to long hours in the sun. Most importantly, it will prevent your skin from free radicals that may cause mutations and skin cancer.

5. Don’t Overlook Trimming

A beard can be a man’s best friend but an untamed one, his worst enemy. Remember that a little maintenance can go a long way when it comes to don a flawless beard. Luckily you can do it with a very simple trimming schedule.

Whether you are trying to grow your beard or are looking to maintain its shape and length, it is important to regularly get it trimmed. As a general rule, it is recommended to trim your beard after every 4 weeks when you are trying to grow. If you have reached the appropriate length and are trying to maintain it, then you must go for a trim after every 8-10 days.

A golden rule of thumb is to always trim your beard from below your neckline irrespective of the length of your beard. This will give you a neat, tidy look. Furthermore, it will also help in keeping your neck hair free.

Pro Tip: Take Good Care of Your Tools

It is important to sharpen your ax. The key to a healthy, tidy beard lies in taking good care of your grooming tools. This involves:

  • Rinsing and drying razors after each use
  • Replacing damaged razors immediately
  • Changing blade after ever 5 to 7 uses
  • Removing excess hair from your clipper after using
  • Keeping your beard comb clean
  • Storing all your tools in a clean and dry place

Closing Thoughts

If you think that summer is not for beard, think again. All it takes is a little bit of care, and your beard will add to your hot summer charm. Basic practices like regularly cleansing, moisturizing and brushing your beard can do wonders. In addition to this, using sun protection and regularly trimming your beard can ensure a chic summer for your beard. 

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